Thursday, February 2, 2012

On The Run - Yufuin

Read my first post of this "On The Run" series at:
On The Run - Yokohama
to know why I'm all excited about doing morning runs in Japan. ^^
I didn't really have running gear suitable for the colder season and buying new ones would be such a waste since I'm only using it a few times so to keep me warm, I just put on my Uniqlo heatech shirt and another shirt on top it and my usual capri pants.

Started later than I wanted because I overslept. I trust my body-clock to wake me up and I'm usually  awake by 5.30am but somehow only managed to be up at 7.00am that day!

Zaini and I went out at 8.00am (after having a soak in the hot spring water to warm up my muscles. heh) and headed off to nearby Lake Kinrinko. Had an hour of leisurely stroll around the lake area and decided to return to our hotel when tour buses started disgorging tourists to the area.
Zaini returned to our cottage, while I started my run along from the hotel along the small river that leads out from Lake Kinrinko and made a bit of detour towards the paths towards the fields but I didn't stray too far from the river. Don't want to get lost now, do we?
I don't know what it is with people and asking me stuff, but I have had encounters when I ran around Presint 5 in Putrajaya (where people might come and visit the Pullman Hotel and Putrajaya International Convention Centre) and gotten stopped a few times either for directions or being asked to take their photos. Heck! I've had a guy asked me for the time when I was running in the Putrajaya Night Marathon! Like, seriously?

So while pounding the road there, which by 9.00am were already busy with visitors in tour groups with guides armed hailers and the like,  I avoided any eye-contact with all of them. Yes, nobody got a "ohaiyou gozaimasu" from me when I'm running. Though plenty when I was walking with hubby.

45 minutes later while I was doing my cool-down walk towards our cottage, two Japanese ladies with a map asked me for the way to a temple (or something of similar nature) nearby.  I was naughty. I let them finish their sentences before going with my usual "aaa.... Nihongo de wakarimasen".

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