Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Autumn Reminiscence - Lake Kinrinko

autumn colors
without a pot
of red-brown soup
                    Matsuo Basho
It's winter now in Japan (right? It's hard to think about winter in hot, sunny Malaysia) so pardon me for still showing autumnal photos that we took during our vacation in Japan last year.
Lake Kinrinko, a natural landmark in Yufuin and located beside Mount Yufu. We got there before tour groups arrived in bus loads and we managed to get a quiet time, enjoying the loveliness of the small lake. It got pretty crowded afterwards so we made a hasty retreat. Me, for a run and Zaini went back to have a good soak in the hot spring water.

The mist seen rising from the Lake during Autumn and Winter months are caused by both hot and cold water springing from the bottom.
I guess the water in the lake was just nice for the birds to enjoy and do a spot of cleansing, eh? ^^
Isn't autumn just so lovely? And to celebrate such loveliness, this is the first of a 7-part posts of places we visited with lovely autumn colours. Stay tuned!

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