Friday, January 6, 2012

Ebelskiver / Aebleskiver - Danish Pancake Balls

I have been making these for our family for over 30 years.  Not all the time but occasionally and when I do they consider them a real treat.
The special pan is the secret.  I use just any pancake mix or recipe and let a small dab of butter melt in each depression before adding the batter.
We like fruit in the middle.  This day I did mandarin orange sections cut into 1/3rds.  Sometimes I will add cinnamon to the batter too, depending what filling I am using 
They have to be turned at least once during the cooking process.  I found using a 2 prong meat fork in one hand and 1 chop stick in the other, flips them pretty easily. 
They can be served with powered sugar (I use vanilla sugar) or syrup.  They don't really need more butter since they were 'fried' in the butter. 

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