Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Autumn Reminiscence - Ritsurin Koen

"Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns"
                                                                          George Eliot 

Disclaimer :
The bird photo was not taken at Ritsurin Koen. It was just some random bird photo I took at Shinobazu Pond one fine Spring day many moons ago. ^^

A beautiful garden displaying her loveliest autumn splendour for all the view and savour. And savour the sights we did.

There are plenty more where this come from so stay tuned for another post (with more photos) on Ritsurin Koen in the future. I'm keeping the nicest photos for future posts. ^^

Do read previous posts of this Autumn Reminiscences while you are here visiting.
Autumn Reminiscence - Lake Kinrinko
Autumn Reminiscence - Shikoku Mura
Autumn Reminiscence - Nara

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