Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Autumn Reminiscence - Yanaka Cemetery

Departing autumn
with hands spread open
chestnut burs
                                       Matsuo Basho

The eternal home for many of Japan's luminaries; including the last of the Tokugawa Shogunate - Tokugawa Yoshinobu.

I felt slightly at odds visiting it, torn between the need to be respectful; as this is after all very much an active graveyard, and being a total tourist and snap photos of everything I see.

The cemetery was a quiet peaceful pocket in Tokyo and we heard birds chirping, saw colourful autumn colours and enjoyed a nice shady stroll through it. Like Rurousha mentioned in her post on Yanaka Cemetery (which, by the way was what made us finally venturing there) I wouldn't mind ending up here for my eternal resting place either. *^^*
And while we are on cemeteries, there'll be a post about an insect cemetery put up, one of these days so stay tuned. Visit me often because I sure as heck don't know when I'm gonna do the post. ^^

Do read previous posts of this Autumn Reminiscence series while you are here visiting.
Autumn Reminiscence - Lake Kinrinko
Autumn Reminiscence - Shikoku Mura
Autumn Reminiscence - Nara
Autumn Reminiscence - Ritsurin Koen
Autumn Reminiscence - Ueno Park

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