Monday, January 9, 2012

Autumn Reminiscence - Nara

at Nara
the fragrance of chrysanthemums
ancient Buddhas 
                                                  Matsuo Basho

Guardian Kings
Temples and ancient sites
Historic treasures
 Shinto's messengers of God
(no, this is not a haiku- just me lazy to write full sentences) ^^
When you such beauty before you, no words are needed. And no mere words can justify it, not to mention amateurish attempt at capturing the beauty. ^^!

Previous autumn reminiscencets can be found here:
Autumn Reminiscence - Lake Kinrinko
Autumn Reminiscence - Shikoku Mura

Sixmats, you mentioned you are planning to head over to Mount Fuji again. Care to try the Ultra-Trail Mount Fuji event on May 18th? ^^

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